Sign up for the Lion’s Den

Volunteers in the Lion’s Den help with fulfilling orders and assisting students with purchases.

Apúntate para ayudar en la Tienda Leones

Los voluntarios en la tienda ayudan a completar ordenes y ayudan a los alumnos con sus compras. Haz click en el botón.

Copy Room Help

If you’d like to help our teachers with making copies, please click below. You may come at any time during the days that you sign up, and for any amount of time. We appreciate any help you can give!

Ayuda Haciendo Copias

Si le gustaría ayudar a los profesores haciendo copias, favor de hacer clic en el botón. Usted puede venir la cantidad de tiempo y a la hora que mejor se le acomode durante el día que elija al apuntarse.

Don’t have your MISD background check completed?

Click below to get this done so you can volunteer!

Check back here often for volunteer opportunities!

Are you looking to get more involved in your child’s school? We are often looking for people like you! We will have multiple volunteer opportunities throughout the year, so check back often to see what we’ve got to offer!

Questions? Please email Jill Kerby, our PTO Volunteer Coordinator —